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6th Birthday of Peach and Goma

Celebrating 6th birthday and togetherness of cute Peach and Goma cats.

The sweet and adorable Peach and Goma are 6 years old today. If you are not familiar with Peach and Goma cats, this is the first time to check out their history. It’s remarkable that after six years of being online, these two cute kitties still attract a lot of attention from people from different ages and gender.

Birthday of Peach and Goma
Happy Birthday Peach and Goma 🎂🎉 🎊

Peach and Goma were created by Bu Jue Xiao Xiao to entertain herself and her friends while feeling bored. After sharing it with some friends, they suggested me to make a blog focused on these two cartoon cats since there are so many cat fanatics in the net.

In the end, I don't think Peach and Goma are going anywhere. Their characters are popular even to this day, not just in Xiao xiao's eyes, but also in the eyes of their fans around the world. They will likely stick around for some time to come, as Bu Jue Xiao Xiao continues to add more stickers and images about Peach and Goma.

About the Author

Creator of Peach and Goma cats


  1. Please continue creating more content about these beautiful creatures. My girlfriend and I love them
    1. Thank you for the support ❤️
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